Epsilon Danube Maritime Training Center

Crew with UKFWP to join a Offshore support vessel DP 2

Lowland is looking for the following crew in posession of a valid UK frontier work permit:
2nd Officer: 11336 euro per month + 50EUR per day bonus will be in force if vessel has a project within 12nm.
3rd Engineer: 6913 euro per month + 50EUR per day bonus will be in force if vessel has a project within 12nm.
Motorman: 3959 euro per month + 50EUR per day bonus will be in force if vessel has a project within 12nm.
AB: 3959 euro per month + 50EUR per day bonus will be in force if vessel has a project within 12nm.
Chief Cook: 4199 euro per month 3959 euro per month + 50EUR per day bonus will be in force if vessel has a project within 12nm.
Assistant Cook: 3959 euro per month + 50EUR per day bonus will be in force if vessel has a project within 12nm.
Steward: 3719 euro per month 3959 euro per month + 50EUR per day bonus will be in force if vessel has a project within 12nm.
Embarkation: mid to end April
Port: Netherlands or UK
Contract: 4 +1/-1 week for officers on rotation and 8 +1/-1 weeks for ratings, at the moment temporary contract
For more details please contact us at mihai.aanicai@Lowland.ro or at CV@Lowland.ro

Detalii contract

Funcții vizate
Second Mate
Third Engineer
Able Body Seaman

Descrierea navei

Tipul navei
Platform supply Vessel
Drilling Ship
Dynamic Positioning Ships
Offshore Support Vessel
Walk to Work Vessel W2W
Pipe laying vessel
Geotechnical Drilling Vessel


Data publicării

Formulare de aplicare (Application forms)

Formular Standard ainostri.html
CV-ul este transferat automat în formular și descărcat în dispozitivul dvs., 1€ + TVA / formular
Accesare cont


Nume companie
Blvd Libertatii, nr. 20, bloc 103, scara 3, et. 3, ap. 43, București
Luni - Vineri: 10:00 - 18:00;

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