Epsilon Danube Maritime Training Center

Fourth Engineers for OIL CHEM tankers

Stargate Crewing Agency is recruiting Fourth Engineers to join oil/chemical tankers.

We are particularly interested in candidates who are looking to transition from other types of vessels, provided they hold the necessary Basic Tanker Certification.

This is an excellent opportunity for engineers to broaden their experience and advance their careers in the tanker industry.

Key Details:

Position: Fourth Engineer
Fleet: Oil/Chemical Tankers
Eligibility: Open to candidates from other vessel types with Basic Tanker Certification
Contract Duration: 5 months

Why Join Us?

Career Growth: Gain valuable experience in the tanker sector.
Professional Development: Opportunities for training and certification upgrades.
Supportive Environment: Work with a team that values your skills and contributions.

If you are a motivated engineer looking to take the next step in your maritime career, we encourage you to apply!

Please contact:
Catalin BARBOI // +40 739 139 224 // catalin@stargate-agency.ro
Georgiana FETEANU // +40 739 139 221 // georgiana@stargate-agency.ro

+40 241 618601 // office@stargate-agency.ro

Detalii contract

Funcții vizate
Forth engineer

Descrierea navei

Tipul navei
Container vessel
Bulk Carrier
Oil Products Tanker
Chemical / Oil Products Tanker


Data publicării

Formulare de aplicare (Application forms)

CV-ul este transferat automat în formular și descărcat în dispozitivul dvs., 1€ + TVA / formular
Formularul este completat automat cu datele din CV și trimis prin e-mail către angajator, 1€ + TVA / formular
Exprimați-vă intenția de a ocupa acest loc de muncă oferind angajatorului posibilitatea de a verifica CV-ul dvs.
Accesare cont


Strada Ion Lahovari nr 103 colt cu Strada Panait Mosoiu, Constanța
Luni - Vineri: 08:30-13:00 14:00-17:00;

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