In September 1992, former Master Mariner and Tanker Department Manager Gheorghe Bosinceanu, together with a small and dedicated team of colleagues from the leading state-owned Romanian shipping company set up their first venture in the historic port of Constanta, in the wake of the liberalization of the Romanian economy and business enterprise.
The first corporate vehicle Tanker Ship Management S.R.L. was thus founded and set out to implement the know-how and expertise that the team had collectively accumulated over the years both at sea and ashore.
The first corporate vehicle Tanker Ship Management S.R.L. was thus founded and set out to implement the know-how and expertise that the team had collectively accumulated over the years both at sea and ashore.
Contact details
Working hours
Luni - Vineri: 09:00 - 12:00; 14:00 - 18:30
Constanța, Str.Oborului Nr.24, 900162
Vessel types
Oil Products Tanker, Chemical / Oil Products Tanker
Active jobs
Application forms
1) HSM Application Form - Sea Staff.xls
General Data Protection Regulation Policy
GDPR link
Information about the GDPR policy