Epsilon Danube Maritime Training Center


Midas Crewing este o agentie pentru recrutare si plasare de personal navigant din Constanta, Romania. Oferim echipaj pentru toate tipurile de nave maritime, platforme și servicii maritime conexe.

Contact details

Working hours
Luni - Vineri: 10:00 - 17:00
Constanța, Strada Fagetului nr 116,

Vessel types

Pipe laying support vessel, Other river vessel, River Tanker Vessel, River General Cargo vessel, Multi Purpose Supply Vessel, Seismic Survey Vessel, DP2 Ships, DP1 Ships, Bunker barge, Offshore shore based, Offshore Tug vessel, Offshore Support Vessel, Offshore Processing Ship, Ocean liner, Jack up barge, Hydrographic survey vessel, Gas Tankers, Deck Cargo Ship, Cruise ship, Container Ro-Ro Cargo Ship, Chemical / Oil Products Tanker, Cabin Cruiser, Crew transfer vessel, Platform supply Vessel, Jack-up drilling rigs, General Cargo / Passenger Ship, Palletized Cargo Ship, River passenger, FSO, Yacht, Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel, Supply vessel, Reefer vessel, Ferry boat, Multipurpose vessel, Passenger Ship, Ro-Ro Passenger, Ro-Ro Cargo Ship, LPG, Chemical Tanker, Oil Products Tanker, Crude Oil Tanker, Bulk Carrier, General Cargo Ship, Container vessel, Offshore Construction Vessel DP3, High Speed Craft, Offshore Guard Vessel, SuperYacht

Application forms

1) Midas Crewing Application Form.doc
The CV is automatically transferred to the form and downloaded to your device, €1 + VAT / form
The form is automatically filed with the data from the CV and e-mailed to the employer, €1 + VAT / form
Download the document to your device and fill in the required information manually.

General Data Protection Regulation Policy

Information about the GDPR policy
In 25 Mai 2018, legea de protectie a datelor personale se schimba cu privire la modul in care companiile inregistreaza, stocheaza si utilizeaza datele personale. In prezent, actul de protectie a datelor cu caracter personal, acopera modul in care este gestionat acest lucru, asa cum prevede noul Regulament de Protectie a Datelor Personale, numit in continuare GDPR, care va guverna si va reglementa, la nivel european si global, operatiunile referitoare la date cu caracter personal. In calitatea noastra de companie implicata in activitati de recrutare, plasare si management al fortei de munca, MIDAS CREWING SRL, colecteaza si pastreaza datele dvs. personale pentru a ne permite sa le procesam in vederea obtinerii unui loc de munca. Noul regulament GDPR, plaseaza o obligatie suplimentara pentru angajatori, de a informa candidatii in detaliu de modalitatea de colectare a datelor personale, ce facem cu ele, cat timp le pastram, etc. Detalii complete le gasiti in Politica de prelucrare a datelor cu caracter personal, disponibila atat la sediul companiei, cat si prin mailul firmei, pe care va rugam sa o parcurgeti cu atentie.
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