Epsilon Danube Maritime Training Center


Infiintata in 1994 ca una dintre primele companii romanesti de crewing, SC ROMTEHMAR SRL este detinuta si condusa de profesionisti cu o lunga si bogata experienta n activitatea de crewing, oameni care cunosc att viata pe mare cu toate aspectele acestei activitati, cit cerintele angajatorilor ct si asteptarile marinarilor pentru o astfel de activitate.

Activitatea noastra consta n recrutarea de personal navigant roman, ofiteri si personal nebrevetat, si, de asemenea, personal de catering, si specialisti in reparatii astfel ncat sa putem satisface cerintele calitative ale clientilor nostri straini -in general armatori italieni.

Practic, scopul afacerii noastre este de a oferi calificarile potrivite cu ofertele corespunzatoare de munca la momentul oportun pentru partile interesate. Preocuparea noastra permanenta de a obtine o calitate optima a serviciilor oferite prin personal real bine calificat si disciplinat reprezinta cheia unei afaceri de succes, prin garantarea unor servicii d

Contact details

Working hours
Luni - Vineri: 10:00 - 18:00
Tulcea, Str.Concordiei Nr.17, 820026

Vessel types

Container vessel, General Cargo Ship, Bulk Carrier, Chemical Tanker, Ro-Ro Cargo Ship, Ro-Ro Passenger, Multipurpose vessel, Ferry boat, Tug

Application forms

1) Romtehmar aplication form mate.doc
The CV is automatically transferred to the form and downloaded to your device, €1 + VAT / form
Download the document to your device and fill in the required information manually.
2) Romtehmar aplication form engineer.doc
The CV is automatically transferred to the form and downloaded to your device, €1 + VAT / form
Download the document to your device and fill in the required information manually.
3) Romtehmar aplication form electr eng fitter.doc
The CV is automatically transferred to the form and downloaded to your device, €1 + VAT / form
Download the document to your device and fill in the required information manually.
4) Romtehmar aplication form AB motorman.doc
The CV is automatically transferred to the form and downloaded to your device, €1 + VAT / form
Download the document to your device and fill in the required information manually.
5) Romtehmar aplication form catering personnel.doc
The CV is automatically transferred to the form and downloaded to your device, €1 + VAT / form
Download the document to your device and fill in the required information manually.
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