Nedcon Maritime is the largest, independent Romanian Manpower Supply Company involved in the recruitment of Romanian Seafarers, Riding Teams, Shipyard Personnel, Oil & Energy Professionals and Hospitality Personnel.
Over 17 years, Nedcon has built well-respected, solid business relationships with a large number of reputable clients, meeting their requirements efficiently, quickly and effectively.
We are proud to have provided our services to many international clients, becoming the solution in demand by ship managers and ship owners, Oil & Energy companies, shipyard owners and industrial operators in search of a knowledgeable and professional business partner.
Over 17 years, Nedcon has built well-respected, solid business relationships with a large number of reputable clients, meeting their requirements efficiently, quickly and effectively.
We are proud to have provided our services to many international clients, becoming the solution in demand by ship managers and ship owners, Oil & Energy companies, shipyard owners and industrial operators in search of a knowledgeable and professional business partner.
Detalii de contact
Luni - Vineri: 09:00 - 12:00
Constanța, Str. Puskin Nr.9, 900664
Tipuri de nave
Dredger, Container Ro-Ro Cargo Ship, Chemical / Oil Products Tanker, Shipyard, FPSO, FSO, Tug, Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel, Supply vessel, Reefer vessel, Passenger Ship, Ro-Ro Cargo Ship, LPG, LNG, Chemical Tanker, Oil Products Tanker, Crude Oil Tanker, Bulk Carrier, Container vessel
Oferte active
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