Epsilon Danube Maritime Training Center


The accumulated experience of over 25 years in the Crew Management business led us in 2001 to the foundation of Epsilon Hellas. The company is solely dedicated in offering Quality Crew Management and Training services and is today managing more than 310 vessels of all types and sizes.

Epsilon Hellas is a fully computerized enterprise offering round-the-clock service. Our company's personnel have a proven track record at sea and ashore and are committed to offering professional consultancy and solutions on all matters related to Crew Management and Training. Regardless of the volume of our business, one can always expect our dedicated, personal attendance and unparalleled quality service.

Detalii de contact

Luni - Vineri: 09:00 - 17:00
Constanța, Str. Ion Lahovari nr. 111

Tipuri de nave

Reefer vessel, Ferry boat, Oil Products Tanker, Bulk Carrier, General Cargo Ship, Container vessel, Chemical / Oil Products Tanker

Oferte active

Formulare de aplicare (Application forms)

1) Application Form Epsilon Danube.xls
CV-ul este transferat automat în formular și descărcat în dispozitivul dvs., 1€ + TVA / formular
Descărcați documentul în dispozitivul dvs și completați manual informațiile solicitate.

Politica de prelucrare a datelor cu caracter personal (GDPR)

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