Epsilon Danube Maritime Training Center


Hanseatic Connect is actively committed to equal opportunities. We ensure that our recruitment practices are consistent with the principles of transparency, fairness and ethical compliance. Promoting diversity is important to us. We provide our business partners and applicants with individual and personal support throughout the entire recruitment process. Our professionalism, integrity and commitment to customers and employees form the basis for sustainable, long-term partnerships and successful collaboration.

In this statement of principles, we commit to ensuring that:
- neither direct nor indirect recruitment costs will be charged.
- nor will costs for services directly related to the recruitment be invoiced.

This principle, known as the Employer-Pays Principle, applies to the entire service chain. All costs incurred in the recruitment and mediation process will be fully borne by the employer. We advocate for fair and transparent recruitment processes that guarantee the financial independence and decision-making freedom of nursing professionals.

Detalii de contact

Luni - Vineri: 10:00 - 17:00
Constanța, Bd. Mamaia nr. 231, et.1, Birou nr. 2

Tipuri de nave

Ro-Ro Passenger, Passenger Ship, Supply vessel, Yacht, River passenger, General Cargo / Passenger Ship, Cabin Cruiser, Catamaran, Cruise ship, Ketch, Ocean liner, Offshore Processing Ship, Accommodation and work barge, Oil Spill Response Vessel, Service Operation Vessel, SuperYacht

Formulare de aplicare (Application forms)

Pentru această agenție de crewing nu există formulare disponibile pentru descărcare. Contactați angajatorul pentru a afla mai multe informații despre modalitatea de aplicare.

Politica de prelucrare a datelor cu caracter personal (GDPR)

Informații despre politica GDPR

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