Epsilon Danube Maritime Training Center


DCR Cruise Services is an international service provider for the most modern cruise ships on Europe's waterways. Since its registration in 1997, the company has grown up year by year, with a continuously increasing number of clients, partners, offered services and operated ships. The vessels are chartered to various tour-operators, each with about 130 to 150 guests, and cruise between Amsterdam and the Black Sea on the Danube, Rhine, Mosel and Main rivers. With so many years of experience and driven by a focused commitment, we offer cruise services that satisfy even the most demanding requirements. In the years to come, we plan to keep and strethen our leading position on the market.

Detalii de contact

Luni - Vineri: 09:00 - 18:00
București, Pta.Alba Iulia Nr.2 Bl. i1 Sc.2 Et 8 Ap.44 Sector 3, 031104

Tipuri de nave

Cruise ship, River passenger, Passenger Ship

Formulare de aplicare (Application forms)

1) Danube_Cruises_CV.doc
CV-ul este transferat automat în formular și descărcat în dispozitivul dvs., 1€ + TVA / formular
Descărcați documentul în dispozitivul dvs și completați manual informațiile solicitate.
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